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Wizardist г 22:31, 11 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць

Sitenotice manipulations


Hi, Ryan! What was that with Sitenotice? If you need assistance on what is going on here, ask me. — Wizardist г 22:31, 11 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць

Sorry about that. Just doing some tests related to this (See also this). Kaldari 05:41, 12 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць
Nope, it was just my curiosity. Well, Sitenotice is not CentralNotice. In the list of InitialiseSettings.php changes, why didn't you list be-x-old -> be-tarask change? — Wizardist г 14:55, 12 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць
I just turned off the Sitenotice temporarily to be 100% sure that CentralNotice (targeted to be-x-old) wasn't working here, i.e. there was no banner at all at the top of the page. be-x-old.wikipedia.org is already switched to be-tarask as the content language. The problem is that CentralNotice still lists be-x-old as a target language, so people are going to be confused. Once the other wikis have switched as well, I can remove be-x-old and the other "dummy language" codes from the language targeting drop down in CentralNotice. Kaldari 23:35, 12 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць
AFAIK, all previous central notices were targeted to both be-x-old and be-tarask. Actually, if CentralNotice follows f/b rules, then it would catch be-x-old and show be-tarask instead. What's wrong with it?  :)— Wizardist г 23:47, 12 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць
Yes, the problem doesn't really affect this wiki so much, but is a bigger problem for the Simple English projects (which can't even agree on what language code they are using). The messages in the banners themselves are fine since they use the user language + f/b rules, but for targeting campaigns to wikis, we can't use any rules until there is some sort of consistency with how the content languages are set. Either every wiki with a dummy language hostname should use the same content language as their hostname, or they should all use the redirect languages and the dummy languages should be removed from CentralNotice. The problem isn't really a technical problem, it's an interface problem. People who are trying to target campaigns to these wikis don't know how because there is no convention for how the content languages are set. For example, CentralNotice gives you the option to target a campaign to 'simple'. You would think that would target all of the Simple English projects, but it doesn't. However, we can't remove 'simple' from the options (or resort to f/b rules) since that would mean that the 2 projects that do have their content language set to 'simple' would never get any banner campaigns. Hope that makes sense. Kaldari 07:24, 13 красавіка 2011 (EEST)Адказаць