For fast response use sl:Uporabniški pogovor:Andrejj. --Andrejj 08:35, 19.03.2006 (UTC)

Вітаю! Ці не маглі б Вы патлумачыць, які сэнс устаўляць сюды шаблён краіны на расейскай мове? --Rydel 14:47, 07.01.2006 (UTC)

Sorry, just english (or slovene :-). --Andrejj 20:31, 07.01.2006 (UTC)
Sorry about that, here's the translation: "Hello! Could you explain what was the rationale behind copy-pasting a Russian-language country template of Slovenia into our Wikipedia? --Rydel 23:04, 07.01.2006 (UTC)
Sorry, I try to start page; I've already erased russian language template. --Andrejj 08:11, 08.01.2006 (UTC)
No problem. I extended it a little bit (added basic geographic info). --Rydel 14:59, 08.01.2006 (UTC)
Tnx! --Andrejj 21:44, 08.01.2006 (UTC)

Can you help me?


Hi! I've made a parody of the soviet anthem, and I want some translations to it. Can you translate me that to slovenian please? Thanks a lot. 23:42, 15 чэрвеня 2007 (UTC)