Удзельнік:ReyBrujo/Dumps/20070408/Sites linked more than 15 times

Sites linked more than 15 times


Sites linked more than 15 times as of April 08, 2007. Only articles in the main space are considered.

Link count Site
1224 http://commons.wikimedia.org
1031 http://be.wikipedia.org
678 http://community.livejournal.com
271 http://www.svaboda.org
269 http://www.iana.org
177 http://karta.brestobl.com
117 http://txt.knihi.com
76 http://be-x-old.wikipedia.org
74 http://www.radzima.org
70 http://slounik.org
67 http://users.livejournal.com
66 http://radzima.org
50 http://asoby.belinter.net
47 http://maps.google.com
41 http://www.kamunikat.net.iig.pl
38 http://www.nba.com
36 http://tools.wikimedia.de
25 http://beliy.ru
23 http://globus.tut.by
23 http://www.autary.iig.pl
18 http://archives.depechemode.com
18 http://www.erasureinfo.com
15 http://kamunikat.net.iig.pl
15 http://martyraloh.org
15 http://www.youtube.com