Playing the Angel: розьніца паміж вэрсіямі

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SassoBot (гутаркі | унёсак)
д робат выдаліў: hu:Playing The Angel
Радок 52:
[[da:Playing the Angel]]
[[de:Playing the Angel]]
[[et:Playing the Angel]]
[[en:Playing the Angel]]
[[es:Playing the Angel]]
[[et:Playing the Angel]]
[[fi:Playing the Angel]]
[[fr:Playing the Angel]]
[[gl:Playing the Angel]]
[[he:Playing the Angel]]
[[hr:Playing the Angel]]
[[hu:Playing The Angel]]
[[it:Playing the Angel]]
[[he:Playing the Angel]]
[[ka:Playing the Angel]]
[[lt:Playing The Angel]]
[[lv:Playing the Angel]]
[[hult:Playing The Angel]]
[[nl:Playing the Angel]]
[[pl:Playing the Angel]]
Радок 71 ⟶ 69:
[[ru:Playing the Angel]]
[[sk:Playing the Angel]]
[[fi:Playing the Angel]]
[[sv:Playing the Angel]]
[[tr:Playing the Angel]]