Беларускі рубель: розьніца паміж вэрсіямі

Змесціва выдалена Змесціва дададзена
д (Script) File renamed: File:200000 rubles of Belarus (avers).jpgFile:200000-rubles-Belarus-2000-f.jpg File renaming criterion #6: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part...
д (Script) File renamed: File:5000-rubles-Belarus-b.jpgFile:5000-rubles-Belarus-2000-b.jpg File renaming criterion #6: Harmonize file names of a set of images (so that only one part of all names...
Радок 253:
|align="center" bgcolor="#000000"| [[Файл:5000-rubles-Belarus-f.jpg|105пкс]]
|align="center" bgcolor="#000000"| [[Файл:5000-rubles-Belarus-2000-b.jpg|105пкс]]
| 5000 рублёў
| Лёгкі фіялетавы