Вікіпэдыя:LanguageBe.php (converter)
рэдагавацьБягучы LanguageBe.php пераймяноўваецца ў LanguageBe_cl.php.
Мадыфікаваны LanguageZh.php вэрсіі 15978.
/** * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage Language */ require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/LanguageConverter.php' ); require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/LanguageBe_cl.php' ); class BeConverter extends LanguageConverter { function loadDefaultTables() { require( "includes/BeConversion.php" ); $this->mTables = array(); $this->mTables['be-cl'] = $be2CL; $this->mTables['be-of'] = $be2OF; $this->mTables['be'] = array(); } /* there shouldn't be any latin text in Belarusian conversion, so no need to mark anything */ function markNoConversion($text) { return $text; } function convertCategoryKey( $key ) { return $this->autoConvert( $key, 'be-cl' ); } } /* class that handles both classic and official spellings right now it only distinguish be cl and be of. */ class LanguageBe extends LanguageBe_cl { function __construct() { global $wgHooks; parent::__construct(); $this->mConverter = new BeConverter($this, 'be', array('be', 'be-cl', 'be-of'), /* Don't sure what this means array('zh'=>'zh-cn', 'zh-cn'=>'zh-sg', 'zh-sg'=>'zh-cn', 'zh-tw'=>'zh-hk', 'zh-hk'=>'zh-tw')); */ $wgHooks['ArticleSaveComplete'][] = $this->mConverter; } // word segmentation function stripForSearch( $string ) { $fname="LanguageBe::stripForSearch"; wfProfileIn( $fname ); //always convert to be-cl before indexing. $t = $this->mConverter->autoConvert($string, 'be-cl'); $t = parent::stripForSearch( $t ); wfProfileOut( $fname ); return $t; } function convertForSearchResult( $termsArray ) { $terms = implode( '|', $termsArray ); $terms = implode( '|', $this->mConverter->autoConvertToAllVariants( $terms ) ); $ret = array_unique( explode('|', $terms) ); return $ret; } }
рэдагавацьМадыфікаваны LanguageZh.deps.php вэрсіі 15823.
// This file exists to ensure that base classes are preloaded before // LanguageBe.php is compiled, working around a bug in the APC opcode // cache on PHP 5, where cached code can break if the include order // changed on a subsequent page view. // see http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2006-January/033660.html require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/LanguageBe_cl.php' ); require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/LanguageConverter.php' );
рэдагавацьМадыфікаваны ZhConversion.php вэрсіі 12472.
/** * Classic/Official Belarusian conversion tables * * Automatically generated using code and data in includes/betable/ * Do not modify directly! * * @package MediaWiki */ $be2CL=array( "Расліны"=>"Расьліны", ); $be2OF=array( "Расьліны"=>"Расліны", );