Абмеркаваньне MediaWiki:Common.js: розьніца паміж вэрсіямі

Зьмест выдалены Змесціва дададзена
Prepare for T314318: новы разьдзел
Радок 157:
Hi! I want to let you know that in near future badges will be deployed on Wikidata and the Wikipedias. They help us with displaying the good and featured article icons next to the sitelinks and will replace the javascript hack which is used at the moment together with the Link GA and Link FA templates. To avoid an overlap where the current system and the new feature conflict, I will add a minor fix to your Common.js which adds the class names to the interwiki links. This is part of my task as a [//meta.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Steward_requests/Global_permissions&oldid=9433288#Global_editinterface_for_Bene.2A global edit interface editor] for the Wikidata team. Thanks, [[Удзельнік:Bene*|Bene*]] ([[Гутаркі ўдзельніка:Bene*|гутаркі]]) 23:25, 18 жніўня 2014 (FET)
== Prepare for T314318 ==
Please make changes like the following,
For more information, see [[mw:Parsoid/Parser_Unification/Media_structure/FAQ]]
Thanks, [[Удзельнік:Arlolra|Arlolra]] ([[Гутаркі ўдзельніка:Arlolra|гутаркі]]) 21:42, 31 студзеня 2023 (+03)
Вярнуцца да старонкі «Common.js».